Hi everyone,
I got a special Treat for all the yoyo players out there.
It my 23rd birthday today and really really Thank you to all the people who supported and continuously supporting Kitty String.
For my birthday treat I came up to make a small contest for all of you.
Kitty String Photo Shoot contest.
Mechanics is simple.
Tag or Post us a picture in our Kitty String Facebook account that shows how you are enjoying your Kitty Strings plus Photos must have a short description about Kitty String.
Maximum of 1 picture for every person.
Criteria will be:
1.Photo must "fit" and relevance to category
3.Overall impression
here's the sample pics of this contest.

Description: Just Got my new Bundle of Kitty String.. really excited to use it!

Description: I love Kitty String!

Description: I use kitty string cause it fits for all the yoyos and it play nice

Description: WHAAAA!!!
Much creative and unique more chances of winning.
Show that you really having fun for Kitty String.
The winner will get a Special Glow in the Dark Kitty String, bundle of Kitty String of his/her choice, some goodies and plus a hundred dollars cash.
This Contest is open for all yoyo players from Different countries.
Due Date will be on March 31, 2011.
This is my small appreciation to all of you..
Thank you and Have fun.