i got a mail this morning

BYYC 2010 - 1A 2nd - Vilmos Zoltan Kiss from Vilmos Zoltan Kiss on Vimeo.

im very glad to receive this mail regarding kitty string..

this is what he said:

Hi Hiro,

I wrote you once because of contest sponsorship. Now I am writing to you because on my last contest I use Kitty String first time.
I had a 10 pack baby pink and thought that I try it one day before the contest. When I tried it's amaze me. This is the best string what I have ever try.
After this I had to compete with kitty string. After two weeks I found 100 pack on euro-yo finally and bought it. Unfortunately I just found 100pack on yoyoz and euroyo.

I thought that I send you my performance. http://vimeo.com/10688990
Hope you'll enjoy it.

Vilmos Zoltan Kiss
One Drop Team

Really thank you for this mail..

im gonna do my best also to make more Kitty strings for yoyo players

enjoy his freestyle video.. his really good! :)
